Librairies Boyer Ltée.
Outdoor safety & survival

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Outdoor safety & survival

Par : Mike Nash

Editeur : Rmb | Rocky Mountain Books

Numéro de produit : 9781927330029

ISBN : 9781927330029

13,99 $

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Prince George-based outdoors expert, Mike Nash, shares what he has learned about outdoor safety and survival during more than thirty years of year-round treks into the rugged backcountry of western Canada. This dynamic and up-to-date handbook discusses ways to prepare for and deal with any number of critical situations that may arise in remote and mountainous terrain and is packed with information on:

general safety principles
what to take with you
finding your way
coping with year-round weather conditions
unexpected overnight trips
wildlife encounters
communication strategies

Interspersed with "reality checks," the book aims to keep outdoor enthusiasts safe when travelling in the outdoors, all the while ensuring an appreciation of the many splendours that outdoor adventuring has to offer.

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