Librairies Boyer Ltée.
Simply the best

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Simply the best

Par :

Editeur : Heritage House

Numéro de produit : 9781927051627

ISBN : 9781927051627

9,99 $

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delivers rare insights on success straight from the hearts and minds of winning coaches Scotty Bowman, Marc Crawford, Jacques Demers, Clare Drake, Ken Hitchcock, Mike Keenan, Dave King, George Kingston, Andy Murray, Rodger Neilson, Pat Quinn and Brian Sutter. These world-renowned hockey visionaries, recognized as some of the greatest coaches in the game, talk about what it takes to be a champion and the strategies that have made them successful.

Each one of us is a coach, whether we are raising children, coaching a youth sports team, being the project team leader at work, teaching students in a classroom or managing employees in a corporation. Simply the Best makes it clear that these coaches' mastered principles of success are also relevant off the ice, so that people in all walks of life can win their own Stanley Cups.

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