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Staying one step ahead

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Staying one step ahead

Par : Tom Czyz

Editeur : Advantage Media Group, Inc.

Numéro de produit : 9798891880443

ISBN : 9798891880443

0,99 $

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Columbine. Sandy Hook. Parkland. Uvalde. Like terrible deja vu, we see the same mistakes being made which lead to heartbreaking loss of life in America's schools. While it seems like an unsolvable problem, what if there were actions you could take today to make your schools safer by staying one step ahead of the next shooting?

A former homicide detective and SWAT officer, author Tom Czyz brings extensive experience from the world of active shootings, including independent investigations at over sixty school shootings since 2012. In Staying One Step Ahead: Ending the Story of Active Shooter in America's Schools, he shares the unvarnished truth about how schools and law enforcement can protect children and staff.

Inside, you'll learn:

  • The myths and assumptions about school shootings
  • How to fix your policies and protocols
  • Best practices for training and physical security
  • How to respond in an incident
  • How we can improve recovery after an incident

Using the 2022 Uvalde school shooting as a primary case study, Czyz provides direct and detailed insights about the vulnerabilities schools need to consider, including recognizing bad policies, implementing proven training, and bolstering physical security.

In a world that feels out of control, Staying One Step Ahead shines a light into what schools and law enforcement can control to protect students by taking the right actions. Don't count on the media or politicians to make the changes we need. You can start taking those actions now--to save lives and end the story of active shooter.