Librairies Boyer Ltée.
Journal of prisoners on prisons, v29

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Journal of prisoners on prisons, v29

Editeur : Les Presses De L'Universitè D'Ottawa/University Of Ottawa Press

Numéro de produit : 9780776641591

ISBN : 9780776641591

35,00 $

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This general issue of the Journal of Prisoners on Prisons edited by Justin Piché and Kevin Walby features articles by current and former prisoners documenting the latest trends in penal policy and practice in the United States. The issue also features an article to "The Dialogue on the Canadian Carceral State" that explores the punitiveness of Canada's immigration system, a "Response" paper on the struggle over the future of the decommissioned Prison for Women (P4W) as a site of memory, as well as "Prisoners' Struggles" contributions, and a book review. The cover art, featuring the pieces "Carceral Landscape" and "Close the Bastard Down!", was created by Peter Collins – a former Canadian prisoner serving a life sentence who died behind bars of cancer.

Published in English.