Librairies Boyer Ltée.
Computer law, 2/e

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Computer law, 2/e

Par : George Takach

Collection : Essentials of canadian law

Editeur : Irwin Law Inc.

Numéro de produit : 9781552212653

ISBN : 9781552212653

65,00 $

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* Prix en dollar canadien. Taxes et livraison en sus.

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This best-selling text has been thoroughly updated and revised to reflect industry changes since publication of the first edition in 1998. George Takach is one of Canada's leading practitioners and teachers in this new legal field. Computer Law 2/e brings together elements of many diverse branches of law, from intellectual property law to criminal and constitutional law, from laws concerning individual privacy, to laws governing domestic and international commerce. In an area of human enterprise where change rules and rules change at a lightning pace, Mr. Takach has brought a synthesis that will guide Canadian law and lawmakers along the information highway in the twenty-first century.

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