Librairies Boyer Ltée.
La transparence en communication

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La transparence en communication

Par : Marcel A. Chartrand

Editeur : Les Presses De L'Université D'Ottawa

Numéro de produit : 9782760330870

ISBN : 9782760330870

29,99 $

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A? l'e?re de l'information continue, le moindre soubresaut sur la plane?te est susceptible d'e?tre retransmis dans les secondes qui suivent au moyen d'un appareil e?lectronique – images et textes compris. L'e?volution acce?le?re?e des technologies transforme les professions, en particulier celle de relationniste. 

La transparence en communication pre?sente les the?ories et les concepts qui sous-tendent les principes de la communication exemplaire en relations publiques, et montre qu'une approche cre?ative conduit a? des pratiques innovantes.

Le corpus de donne?es porte sur une se?lection d'e?tudes de 79 cas re?els qui illustrent la cre?ativite? du relationniste a? l'œuvre. Il tient compte du nouveau lieu d'action du communicateur, du contexte me?diatique et de l'horizontalite? des communications actuelles.

Une re?fe?rence incontournable pour les praticiens comme les the?oriciens, les futurs relationnistes, les chefs d'entreprise et les gestionnaires porte-parole de leur socie?te? ou organisme.

Ce livre est publié en français.


The volume illustrates theories and concepts underlying the principles of exemplary communications in public relations. The body of research data comes from a selection of 79 real case studies that demonstrate the creativity of public relations specialists in action.

The book caters to the needs of any college or university teacher looking for concrete examples to illustrate theories, concepts and new practices in organizational communication. Starting from selected global media events, the teacher will be able to do a careful analysis with the help of students to meet the learning goals.

The book takes into account the new action site of the communicator, the media context and the horizontal nature of today's communications. In this era of 24/7 information, even a small jolt on the planet can be retransmitted in the following seconds through a digital device – with images and sound too. What's more, today's media sphere thrusts economic, social and political organizations into an almost chronic state of potential crisis. This forces them to come out of their safe and enclosed frameworks and to compromise daily in the public space.

The book presents various plans available to publicists in businesses. Each case is approached within its context while outlining the key events that led to the disagreement. The participants in the dispute are identified and their reactions noted, and an analysis based on the principles of communications follows. Questions are asked to trigger discussions and for learning purposes. Each case study ends through an assessment of the situation – the lessons learned.

This book is published in French.

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