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Mathematical modelling of zombies

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Mathematical modelling of zombies

Editeur : University Of Ottawa Press

Numéro de produit : 9780776621678

ISBN : 9780776621678

37,99 $

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You're outnumbered, in fear for your life, surrounded by flesheating zombies. What can save you now? Mathematics, of course.

Mathematical Modelling of Zombies engages the imagination to illustrate the power of mathematical modelling. Using zombies as a "hook," you'll learn how mathematics can predict the unpredictable. In order to be prepared for the apocalypse, you'll need mathematical models, differential equations, statistical estimations, discretetime models, and adaptive strategies for zombie attacks--as well as baseball bats and Dire Straits records (latter two items not included).

In Mathematical Modelling of Zombies, Robert Smith? brings together a highly skilled team of contributors to fend off a zombie uprising. You'll also learn how modelling can advise government policy, how theoretical results can be communicated to a nonmathematical audience and how models can be formulated with only limited information. A forward by Andrew Cartmel--former script editor of Doctor Who, author, zombie fan and all-round famous person in science-fiction circles--even provides a genealogy of the undead. By understanding how to combat zombies, readers will be introduced to a wide variety of modelling techniques that are applicable to other real-world issues (biology, epidemiology, medicine, public health, etc.).

So if the zombies turn up, reach for this book. The future of the human race may depend on it.

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