Librairies Boyer Ltée.
Legal counsel, book two: property rights, family and divorce, and company rights

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Legal counsel, book two: property rights, family and divorce, and company rights

Par : Les Vandor

Editeur : Ecw Press

Numéro de produit : 9781554904853

ISBN : 9781554904853

10,95 $

Les livres numériques seront disponibles pour télécharger dès votre paiement effectué.

* Prix en dollar canadien. Taxes et livraison en sus.

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Take the law into your own hands ? with Les Vandor's help. For the past 9 years, Ottawa lawyer Les Vandor has been dispensing legal advice to 400,000 listeners of CBC Radio's Ontario Today program. His monthly, hour-long segment fields calls about wills, landlord-tenant issues, liability, property, and lawsuits. Les offers anecdotes and advice in a way that explains the law in a clear, accessible, and understandable way. In these three books, Les answers the 400 most frequently asked questions from real people. Legal Counsel proves that ordinary people can ask ordinary questions and get simple, straightforward answers. And these same people will now be able to ask better, more informed questions if they ever do start working with a lawyer. These books are designed to cover everything from birth to death. Book I covers issues you will need to know as you begin a career and start a family. Book II looks at buying a house, or setting up a company, or splitting up a family. Book III covers retirement issues and estate planning, and includes a sample Last Will and Testament, Power of Attorney, and a Living Will. 

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