Librairies Boyer Ltée.
Psychiatric clinical skills

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Psychiatric clinical skills

Par :

Editeur : Centre For Addiction And Mental Health

Numéro de produit : 9781770523791

ISBN : 9781770523791

44,99 $

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Psychiatric Clinical Skills is a practical guide to engaging and assessing people who have mental health problems. Written by a team of experienced clinicians, it focuses on "what to ask" and "how to ask" and covers a wide spectrum of clinical problems and settings. It includes a chapter written from the perspective of people who live with mental health problems.

As well as covering the full range of mental health disorders, the guide includes informaition about:

  • culture competence
  • assessment of children, adolescents and older adults
  • assessment of families
  • use of standardized rating scales
  • documentation.

Each chapter includes easy-to-use features such as clinical vignettes, chapter overviews and key-point summaries.

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