Librairies Boyer Ltée.
The divine comedy 1: hell

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The divine comedy 1: hell

Par :

Collection : World classics

Editeur : Saga Egmont International

Numéro de produit : 9788726595659

ISBN : 9788726595659

5,99 $

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"Inferno" tells the story "of those who have rejected spiritual values", of those who are lost and are unable to find the right way to salvation. It describes each sin and the corresponding punishment. It differentiates between Purgatory and Hell by presenting people begging for forgiveness and others willing to justify their sins. "Inferno" represents the Christian soul who gets to see what it really is to commit a sin and what is to be expected in the afterlife. "Inferno" is the first part of Dante Alighieri's medieval poem "The Divine Comedy" which was written in the period 1308-1320. It depicts the nine circles of Hell and Dante's journey through them.

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