Librairies Boyer Ltée.
Night work

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Night work

Par : Randall Maggs

Editeur : Brick Books

Numéro de produit : 9781894078924

ISBN : 9781894078924

11,99 $

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Winner of the 2008 Winterset Award and the 2009 E.J. Pratt Poetry Prize Winner of the Kobzar Literary Award 2010 A hockey saga, wrapping the game's story in the "intense, moody, contradictory" character of Terry Sawchuk, one of its greatest goalies. In compact, conversational poems that build into a narrative long poem, Night Work: The Sawchuk Poems follows the tragic trajectory of the life and work of Terry Sawchuk, dark driven genius of a goalie who survived twenty tough seasons in an era of inadequate upper-body equipment and no player representation. But no summary touches the searching intensity of Maggs's poems. They range from meditations on ancient/modern heroism to dramatic capsules of actual games, in which the mystery of character meets the mystery of transcendent physical performance. Night Work: The Sawchuk Poems is illustrated with photographs mirroring the text, depicting key moments in the career of Terry Sawchuk, his exploits and his agony.

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