Librairies Boyer Ltée.
The organ in manitoba

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The organ in manitoba

Par : James B. Hartman

Editeur : University Of Manitoba Press

Numéro de produit : 9780887553813

ISBN : 9780887553813

25,00 $

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Pipe organs were once a central (and sometimes hotly debated) part of Manitoba's cultural life. The Organ in Manitoba portrays that history--the instruments, builders, players and critics--from the date of the earliest known installations to the 1990s, and includes information on musical organizations such as the Royal Canadian College of Organists. It documents over a century of evolution and changes, from concepts of tonal design to styles of musical commentary and tastes, and includes an inventory of installations and specifications for over 100 organs. Well-illustrated with photographs and excerpts from historical reviews and other documents, it will be of interest to musicians, teachers, and music, church, and cultural historians.

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