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Making friends: third time's a charm: a graphic novel (making friends #3)

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Making friends: third time's a charm: a graphic novel (making friends #3)

Par :

Editeur : Scholastic

Numéro de produit : L0579883

ISBN : 9781338630794

16,99 $

Disponibilité : En ligne (pour inventaire en magasin contactez-nous)
Livraison : Livraison dans 10 à 12 jours ouvrables, si disponible chez l’éditeur.

* Prix en dollar canadien. Taxes et livraison en sus.

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Dany's sketchbook is at it again, but this time it's not Dany's doing!

Dany and Madison are living a new reality. Rather than best friends, the pair now believe they are twins -- and that isn't the only part of their lives that has been completely rewritten. Their mom is a novelist, their dad is a rock star, and Dany has suddenly become a diligent student.

Things. Aren't. Adding. Up.

Dany and Madison start sleuthing and discover that someone has drastically altered the universe! Can the pair put things back the way they were, or is this magic beyond their control?

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