Librairies Boyer Ltée.
Lucy tries soccer

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Lucy tries soccer

Par : Lisa Bowes

Editeur : Orca Book Publishers

Numéro de produit : 9781459810235

ISBN : 9781459810235

4,99 $

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* Prix en dollar canadien. Taxes et livraison en sus.

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Eager to try a summer sport, Lucy and her friends meet at the soccer field for their first game of three-on-three!

Thanks to Coach Nick, Lucy and the rest of Team Blue learn a few basic skills as they prepare to face Team Red.The Lucy Tries Sports series is designed to encourage children to get active and participate in sports and recreation. In Lucy Tries Soccer, Lucy discovers how much fun it is to play on a team and learns why soccer is the world's most popular game.

Key Selling Points

  • This book features a diverse group of friends who are learning to play three-on-three soccer together with a focus on fun and sportsmanship.
  • Includes a page of "fast facts" about soccer in the back of the book perfect for growing soccer fans.
  • Author Lisa Bowes is a sports journalist who is an avid advocate for getting young people involved in sports. 
  • Part of the Lucy Tries Sports series which is a great tool to help promote physical literacy and features Lucy and friends trying basketball, hockey, short track and luge.
  • This series introduces the importance of being active, participation and the value sports have to offer.
  • French and Spanish versions available.

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