Librairies Boyer Ltée.
The little green swing (little ruby's big ideas)

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The little green swing (little ruby's big ideas)

Par : Brenda Maier

Editeur : Scholastic Inc.

Numéro de produit : 9781339053608

ISBN : 9781339053608

20,99 $

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Clever Ruby demonstrates the magic of making (and outsmarts her big brothers) in this inspiring romp perfect for fans of Rosie Revere, Engineer and the whole Questioneers series!

Ruby's mind is always full of ideas.

One windy day, she invites her brothers to help build something stupendous. But her brothers don't want to plan-they only want to play. As the wind huffs and puffs and blows their hasty efforts down, can Ruby prove that patience and persistence pay off?

Loosely adapted from The Three Little Pigs and brimming with pluck and fun, The Little Green Swing will inspire readers everywhere to make their own stupendous creations!

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