Librairies Boyer Ltée.

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Par : James Heneghan

Editeur : Groundwood Books Ltd

Numéro de produit : 9781554980161

ISBN : 9781554980161

9,95 $

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When a flood kills eleven-year-old Andy Flynn's mother and stepfather, the only world he has ever known is gone and he is alone. Aunt Mona, whom he has never met, takes him to live with her in Halifax, on the opposite side of the country. During the flight, Aunt Mona tells him harshly that his father was not a war hero killed in battle, as Andy's mother led him to believe, but a no-good thief and drunk who is very much alive in Halifax. Andy is stunned, and as soon as they reach their destination, he runs away from his aunt to find his father.

James Heneghan's remarkable gift for storytelling shines as strongly as ever in this moving and funny tale.

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