Librairies Boyer Ltée.
Stand on the sky

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Stand on the sky

Par : Erin Bow

Editeur : Scholastic Canada Ltd

Numéro de produit : 9781443163804

ISBN : 9781443163804

21,99 $

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A gripping new read from Erin Bow, acclaimed and bestselling author of Plain Kate and The Scorpion Rules!

Aisulu is a Kazakh nomad girl living in Mongolia. She has always been a bit different -- she likes girl things well enough and milks the yaks and fetches water as a daughter should, but she also likes math and a fast ride on her horse, Moon Spot, which she tamed herself.

But when her brother Selik breaks his leg trying to catch an eagle, and is discovered to have osteosarcoma, everything changes! While her parents rush off to the city with her brother, Aisulu moves in with her aunt and her uncle, a former Burkitshi (eagle hunger). Seeing her attachment to a rescued eaglet, her uncle begins training Aisulu to become an eagle hunter herself, even though she is a girl, and girls do not become eagle hunters.

Aisulu is not sure she can do it -- but when she finds out that there will be a Festival in town with a prize that could help buy her brother an expensive prosthetic leg, she knows she has to try! The odds are stacked against her, but Aisulu is determined to prove herself and help her family.

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