Librairies Boyer Ltée.
The knights of silversnow (the secrets of droon #16)

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The knights of silversnow (the secrets of droon #16)

Par : Tony Abbott

Collection : The secrets of droon

Editeur : Scholastic Inc.

Numéro de produit : 9780545418294

ISBN : 9780545418294

5,99 $

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A hidden door. A magical staircase. Discover the world of Droon!

Cats don't bark. They meow. Or at least they did before Eric used Droonian magic in the Upper World. When he cast a spell with the wand of Urik, everything got messed up - now weird stuff, like barking cats, are all over!Eric and his friends hurry down the magic staircase only to find more trouble. Earthquakes have rocked Droon; and Galen's under a nasty spell. Time for some back-up! The brave Knights of Silversnow could help, but they're in a deep sleep in the Ice Hills. The knights have the power to make things right again, but only if the wand of Urik has the power to wake them up.

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