Librairies Boyer Ltée.
Remote control

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Remote control

Par : Jack Heath

Editeur : Scholastic Inc.

Numéro de produit : 9780545283199

ISBN : 9780545283199

10,99 $

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He's not a double agent.Everyone just thinks he is.Agent Six of Hearts, a sixteen-year-old superhuman, is in serious trouble. The Deck -- the team of special agents who employ him -- thinks he's gone rogue. Kyntak, his twin brother, has been captured by an unknown enemy. And a very strange and lethal girl is shadowing Six's every move.Who can Six trust? The Queen of Spades is after him. The King of Hearts seems unable to help. And the rest of the Deck is being turned against him.There's only one answer: Six must go solo. He must treat everyone as a threat -- and he must grab every opportunity he has to track down Kyntak, even when they come from some potentially deadly sources.As he did in The Lab, author Jack Heath starts with a bang and doesn't ever slow down as he gives us an agent on the brink of destruction and the edge of his life.

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