Librairies Boyer Ltée.

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Par : Sky Curtis

Editeur : Inanna Publications

Numéro de produit : 9781771339667

ISBN : 9781771339667

19,99 $

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Wry, forthright Home and Garden reporter Robin MacFarland has somehow gotten herself--along with her best friend and investigative journalist colleague Cindy--assigned by their newspaper editor to examine the deep-rooted causes of homelessness in Toronto, Ontario. Their investigation quickly reveals the generational effects of a hydroelectric plant built in Quebec that displaced a large population of Indigenous people to Ontario with little to no support. When the Premier of Ontario dies at Robin's family cottage in Muskoka, Robin sets about proving that he was murdered against a tide of objection from the local police force. Robin needs to figure out exactly how his death was disguised to look like an accident, what the premier's part in a dirty web surrounding the creation of more electric power, who knocked him off, and finally, how all of this impact her family. Power is the fourth installment in the Robin MacFarland Mystery series.