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Summary of richard f. thomas's why bob dylan matters

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Summary of richard f. thomas's why bob dylan matters

Par : Slingshot Books

Editeur : Slingshot Books

Numéro de produit : 9798350065886

ISBN : 9798350065886

3,99 $

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Get the Summary of Richard F. Thomas's Why Bob Dylan Matters in 20 minutes. Please note: This is a summary & not the original book. "Why Bob Dylan Matters" by Richard F. Thomas is an exploration of Bob Dylan's music and its enduring legacy, drawing parallels between Dylan's work and ancient Greek and Roman poetry. Thomas, a classics professor, identifies similarities in artistic values, themes, and the impact of political and cultural climates on the creation of art. He discusses his personal connection to Dylan's music and its cross-generational appeal, highlighted by Dylan's Nobel Prize in Literature. The book examines Dylan's evolution from protest songs to folk-rock and beyond, noting the relevance of songs like "Blowin' in the Wind" across time...

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