Librairies Boyer Ltée.
Waiting for time

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Waiting for time

Par : Bernice Morgan

Editeur : Breakwater Books Ltd.

Numéro de produit : 9781550813753

ISBN : 9781550813753

17,99 $

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A twentieth-century descendant of the Lavinia of Random Passage, Lav rediscovers the power of her heritage and a courage she didn't know she possessed. Waiting for Time, the sequel to inte ational best-selling novel Random Passage by Be ice Morgan, continues the saga of the inhabitants of Cape Random. It also tells the story of today's Newfoundland – a place where the past overshadows the present and shapes the future. This is the story of lonely, unplanned jou eys, of courage and pride, of loss that must be endured again and again until we understand the nature of the path we have taken and the place at which we arrived.

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