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The isabella valancy crawford symposium

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The isabella valancy crawford symposium

Editeur : University Of Ottawa Press

Numéro de produit : 9780776628394

ISBN : 9780776628394

12,99 $

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This work is the result of the fifth Symposium in the University of Ottawa Symposia series which focused on the life and work of Isabella Valancy Crawford (1850-1887). Acclaimed scholars of Canadian Literature joined to speak on Crawford's life, read and listen to her poetry, and critically examine some of her major works. Contributors include Dorothy Livesay, Penny Petrone, Margo Dunn, John Ower, Orest Rudzik, Elizabeth Waterston, Fred Cogswell, Kenneth Hughes, S. R. MacGillivray, Catherine Ross, Louis Dudek, Anne Paolucci, and Clara Thomas.

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