Librairies Boyer Ltée.
Universal disorder

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Universal disorder

Par :

Editeur : Freehand

Numéro de produit : 9781988298672

ISBN : 9781988298672

10,99 $

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Charlie is different. He is obsessive-compulsive, is dependent on numbers, is a lover of strange, and is a refugee from a mental ward. When a beautiful number appears on his call display – the number of a woman he'd long assumed was dead – he lifts himself from the tangle of his mind to stalk the streets of Montreal in search of his lost love, his lost dreams, the boy he used to be, and the man he'd wanted to become. What he finds is more than a past that he had desperately tried to forget.

Universal Disorder is an extraordinary novel about the human psyche and the imperfect, disordered ways that we love each other.

Charlie is different. He is obsessive-compulsive, is dependent on numbers, is a lover of strange, and is a refugee from a mental ward. When a beautiful number appears on his call display – the number of a woman he'd long assumed was dead – he lifts himself from the tangle of his mind to stalk the streets of Montreal in search of his lost love, his lost dreams, the boy he used to be, and the man he'd wanted to become. What he finds is more than a past that he had desperately tried to forget.

Universal Disorder is an extraordinary novel about the human psyche and the imperfect, disordered ways that we love each other.

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