Librairies Boyer Ltée.
Behind the eyes we meet

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Behind the eyes we meet

Par : Mélissa Verreault

Collection : Qc fiction

Editeur : Baraka Books

Numéro de produit : 9781771861212

ISBN : 9781771861212

19,99 $

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Behind The Eyes We Meet is a larger-than-life story that comes in three packages. A lighthearted opening flirts with chick lit before giving way to grim tales of a Russian P.O.W. camp on World War II's Eastern Front, concluding with a fresh, philosophical perspective on life. Verreault uses long-lost family letters, poetry, screenwriting techniques, and more to explore a fascination for Italy, history, and humanity at large in this powerful first novel. This is a lively and intelligent exploration of intertwined destinies and, as hinted at by the choice of title, a realization that we shouldn't judge a stranger until we've walked a mile in their shoes.

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