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Summary of alex tapscott's web3

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Summary of alex tapscott's web3

Par : Slingshot Books

Editeur : Slingshot Books

Numéro de produit : 9798330099368

ISBN : 9798330099368

3,99 $

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Get the Summary of Alex Tapscott's Web3 in 20 minutes. Please note: This is a summary & not the original book. Web3 by Alex Tapscott explores the transformative potential of new technologies, drawing parallels with historical innovations like Gutenberg's printing press and Watt's steam engine. The book outlines the evolution from Web1 (Read-Only) to Web2 (Read-Write) and now to Web3 (Read-Write-Own), emphasizing digital ownership through blockchain. Web3 promises democratized digital property rights, new financial models, and user governance, addressing Web2's shortcomings...