Librairies Boyer Ltée.
Summary of samantha irby's wow, no thank you.

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Summary of samantha irby's wow, no thank you.

Par : Everest Media

Editeur : Everest Media Llc

Numéro de produit : 9798822548916

ISBN : 9798822548916

3,99 $

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Please note: This is a companion version & not the original book. Sample Book Insights: #1 I live for a glamorous lifestyle blog featuring some gorgeous ingenue with piles of secret wealth that she never divulges to the unsuspecting slobs on the other side of the screen. I want to admire her floating through a bright and clean apartment in photos so beautiful and overexposed that it hurts your eyes to look at them. #2 I wake up with a heart-pounding panic, and I immediately waste an entire day. I grimace as I slide off the bed and feel around blindly with my toes for the orthopedic flip-flops I keep close enough to find without my glasses on. #3 I start my day with a few slices of Meyer lemon from those little bags of them you can get at Trader Joe's. It has done nothing for me, but later on, when I eat an entire jalapeño-and-pepperoni pizza and feel bad about it, I can think to myself, Bitch, remember when you alkalized. and feel clean. #4 My evening routine is simple. I eat dinner with my wife, drink one glass of wine, and eat a single square of 70 percent dark chocolate while watching a chic foreign film on our white couch. I then put the news on our bedroom television set and worry about the state of the world.

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