Librairies Boyer Ltée.
Deportation of the prince edward island acadians

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Deportation of the prince edward island acadians

Par : Earle Lockerby

Editeur : Nimbus

Numéro de produit : 9781771081153

ISBN : 9781771081153

10,99 $

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When the fortress of Louisbourg fell to the British in 1758, the Acadians of Prince Edward Island (then known as Île Saint-Jean) were doomed to a horrible fate--deportation from their homes to an unknown land thousands of kilometres away. Shipwrecks and disease took a terrible toll during the voyage to France, and hundreds of the approximately three thousand deportees lost their lives.

Earle Lockerby's meticulously researched account sheds new light on this tragic event, from its implementation to the experiences of the Acadians who eluded British troops and escaped to the mainland, to the deportees' arrival in Europe. Featuring excerpts from original documents and letters, Deportation of the Prince Edward Island Acadians is an important record of this neglected chapter in the saga of the Acadian people.

Now Fred, Mai, and Grace, extraordinary fossil hunters, are at the Fortress of Louisbourg hunting a different kind of treasure. They are secretly excavating the historic site, trying to find a mass of jewels Fred's ancestor may have buried there--jewels that could save Fred's family. But Fred uncovers far more than he bargained for, including a dangerous plot that could leave Fred's family in even more serious trouble.

The young detectives from the bestselling The Fossil Hunter of Sydney Mines shine in this fast-paced mystery for middle readers.

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