Librairies Boyer Ltée.
Denny's trek

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Denny's trek

Par : Cecil E. Denny

Editeur : Heritage House

Numéro de produit : 9781926613048

ISBN : 9781926613048

9,99 $

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Like many other pioneering North West Mounted Police officers, Cecil Denny was a colourful, independent man with a career full of conquest and controversy. He and his comrades played key roles in the taming of Canada's wild and woolly west, and in this compilation of selected writings from his books The Law Marches West and The Riders of the Plains, we get that story straight from the horse's mouth. Denny relates the fascinating saga of the newly formed police force's 800-mile trek west in 1874 to deal with outlaw whisky traders, then gives us a first-hand account of the challenges and adventures they experienced bringing law and order to this "great lone land."

Denny's Trek features an illuminating new introduction to this observant writer, providing fresh insights into the times and the character of a steadfast man who helped shaped Canada's West.

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