Librairies Boyer Ltée.
Impawsible conditions

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Impawsible conditions

Par : Tosha Starke

Editeur : Advantage Media Group, Inc.

Numéro de produit : 9781642258578

ISBN : 9781642258578

8,99 $

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In this behind-the-scenes, retrospective look at the world of veterinary medicine through three women's prominent careers in the space, you will find an impassioned plea for industry-wide change. With suicide being at an all-time high in this profession, which is now the profession with the highest rate of suicide comparatively, it's time to take a serious look at the contributing factors.

This honest, sometimes blunt, and determined book shares real-life stories that illustrate the reasons why change is needed while providing suggestions, ideas, and opened-ended reflection questions that provide a hope-filled path to a potential, alternative future for an industry that needs help.

It's time to unleash the power of truth, empathy, compassion, and inclusivity in the world of veterinary medicine, and this project aims to do just that.

Spend a day walking in someone else's paw prints--all so that you can learn how to support professionals who live each day trying to make the lives of the animals they work with better in an effort to impact the humans who go through the ups and downs of pet ownership.

This engaging, fast-paced book will give you the tools to:

  • Embrace empathy while honestly confronting issues in the workplace.
  • Discover support methods that can be used outside of work to counter compassion fatigue.
  • Create more inclusive environments for underserved professionals in the veterinary medicine industry.
  • Set reasonable expectations for professional growth in a team-centered environment.
  • Actively seek mentorship possibilities to create refined skills that aren't practiced in school.
  • Communicate with clients who are stressed.

And so much more. This is the quintessential book the veterinary medicine world has been waiting for. Because industry professionals deserve better support as they strive to provide quality care to the pets we love.