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Summary of bart d. ehrman's heaven and hell

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Summary of bart d. ehrman's heaven and hell

Par :   Everest Media

Editeur : Everest Media Llc

Numéro de produit : 9798822524446

ISBN : 9798822524446

2,99 $

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Please note: This is a companion version & not the original book. Sample Book Insights: #1 The Gospel of Peter, which was discovered in Egypt in 1886, was a book that claimed to be written by Peter, one of Jesus's apostles, and it described the afterlife. However, scholars today believe that the book was written by a later Christian who simply wanted to seem like he was Peter. #2 The Book of Tobit describes the torments of the damned, who are being punished for their most characteristic sin while living. Those who maligned both the ways of God and the saints who tried to practice them were hanged over unquenchable fire. #3 The Apocalypse of Peter is a graphic and detailed description of the eternal torment of sinners, but it also includes a brief and vague description of the blessings of the saints, who come to the glorious Elysian fields. #4 The book, called the Passion of Perpetua, was written in Latin and is one of the most moving pieces of early Christian literature. It is purportedly a firsthand account of time in prison experienced by a Christian awaiting trial and execution.

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