Librairies Boyer Ltée.
The me i was made to be

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The me i was made to be

Par : Christie Penner Worden

Editeur : Mennomedia

Numéro de produit : 9781513814865

ISBN : 9781513814865

14,99 $

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Your kids are talking about identity. Are you part of the conversation?
Today’s kids and youth are talking about identity—and often very differently from the adults around them. How can we walk well with them through their questions about who they are and how they fit into the family of God? We must begin by telling a better gospel story, with an invitational posture that actually expects us to love God and love others.
In this engaging and disarming book that speaks to readers across the theological spectrum, author and children’s ministry expert Christie Penner Worden invites grownups along to imagine a more Jesus-centered narrative for the sake of kids who are no longer buying what the church is selling, who do not feel safe, and who have not been welcomed into the conversation that adults are having without them. The Me I Was Made to Be is the beginning of a conversation that offers a compelling story on identity rooted in a deeper understanding of the gospel—one that includes all image-bearers and extends Jesus’ welcome to all our kids.

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