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Summary of michelle skeen & wendy t. behary's love me, don't leave me

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Summary of michelle skeen & wendy t. behary's love me, don't leave me

Par :   Everest Media

Editeur : Everest Media Llc

Numéro de produit : 9781669351450

ISBN : 9781669351450

2,99 $

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Please note: This is a companion version & not the original book. Sample Book Insights: #1 If you are afraid of being abandoned, you may be trapped in a fear and its accompanying behaviors. You may be attracted to people who are critical, inconsistent, or abusive, and you may find yourself engaged in hurtful behaviors. #2 Your fear of abandonment is the result of factors that were present at your birth and in your environment. These are conditions you couldn't control as a child. Now, you feel that the beliefs that formed as a result of these factors are controlling you. #3 A securely attached child is comforted by their caregiver when they are distressed, and they feel safe and secure with them. They are excited when their caregiver returns after a period of time apart, and they are accepting of and comforted by their caregiver's embrace. #4 The avoidantly attached child experiences a primary caregiver who is rejecting and, at times, harsh. As a result, the child depends less on her caregiver as a secure base. The child is at times aggressive toward her caregiver, and the child shows no interest in her caregiver when she returns.

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