Librairies Boyer Ltée.
Ten rivers that shaped the world

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Ten rivers that shaped the world

Par :

Collection : World of tens

Editeur : Annick Press

Numéro de produit : 9781554517411

ISBN : 9781554517411

10,99 $

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Navigate the fascinating twists and turns of rivers that have shaped history. Rivers can be extraordinarily powerful, and not just because of their fast-flowing currents. They can make civilizations rise or crumble, divide cultures or link them together, and even provide crucial clues to where we came from. Dive into these 10 surprising stories about the power of rivers through the ages, including: • Why the Amazon helped scientists discover how species evolve; • How the massive Three Gorges Dam displaced over one million Chinese; • Why people in India have gathered to bathe in the Ganges for thousands of years. Compelling storytelling, striking original art, and colorful photos take readers on a unique journey across time and place.