Librairies Boyer Ltée.

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Par : Kate Scowen

Editeur : Annick Press

Numéro de produit : 9781554514144

ISBN : 9781554514144

10,99 $

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Everyone remembers that first love. Or the first all-out fight with a parent or sibling; the feeling of being let down by someone you love; losing something or someone that matters to you; struggling to fit in. I.D. collects 12 first-person accounts about life's pivotal moments and offers each as an incisive graphic narrative. With raw honesty, and illuminated by Peter Mitchell's bold, gritty illustration style, these true stories tackle the universal experiences from childhood and adolescence that stay with us forever. Each anecdote, and accompanying reflection, reveals how individual identity can be shaped by common themes of growing up. By turns thoughtful, painful, funny and fierce, I.D. powerfully demonstrates that what happens to define us in youth doesn't have to confine us forever.

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