Librairies Boyer Ltée.
City critters

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City critters

Par : Nicholas Read

Editeur : Orca Book Publishers

Numéro de produit : 9781554693955

ISBN : 9781554693955

18,59 $

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When we think of wild animals, we don't immediately associate them with the cities we live in. But a closer look soon reveals that we share our urban environment with a great many untamed creatures. Heavily illustrated and full of entertaining and informative facts, City Critters examines how and why so many wild animals choose to live in places that, on first glance at least, seem contrary to their needs. How do those deer, raccoons, squirrels, skunks, coyotes, crows, gulls and geese – not to mention the alligators, eagles, otters and snakes – manage to survive in the big city? What special skills do city critters have that many of their wilderness cousins lack? Why have they developed these skills? And what are our responsibilities in ensuring that these animals can continue to share our city lives?

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