Librairies Boyer Ltée.
Medicinal herbs of western canada

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Medicinal herbs of western canada

Par : Brenda Jones

Editeur : Nimbus

Numéro de produit : 9781774712849

ISBN : 9781774712849

10,99 $

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* Prix en dollar canadien. Taxes et livraison en sus.

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Nature's remedies are all around, if you know what to look for. In Medicinal Herbs of Western Canada, award-winning author and artist Brenda Jones offers detailed advice on how to identify, collect, and prepare a variety of local wild herbs. Learn how to make a Calendula salve to help heal minor wounds, or how an oil made from the buds of Black Cottonwood trees can relax sore muscles. Make a decoction from Wild Licorice to soothe a sore throat or find out how an infusion of Valerian can calm the nerves and improve sleep. Through many courses, workshops, and extensive research, Jones has compiled this beautiful illustrated catalogue of healing herbs to help readers familiarize themselves with the medicines available in their own backyards. Covering 77 different plants, each with detailed, full-colour illustrations and accessible tips, facts, and recipes, this essential guide makes it easy to benefit from your neighbourhood's wild offerings. Includes a glossary of terms and a section on how to identify common poisonous plants and what to do if you encounter them.Nature's remedies are all around, if you know what to look for. In Medicinal Herbs of Western Canada, award-winning author and artist Brenda Jones offers detailed advice on how to identify, collect, and prepare a variety of local wild herbs. Learn how to make a Calendula salve to help heal minor wounds, or how an oil made from the buds of Black Cottonwood trees can relax sore muscles. Make a decoction from Wild Licorice to soothe a sore throat or find out how an infusion of Valerian can calm the nerves and improve sleep. Through many courses, workshops, and extensive research, Jones has compiled this beautiful illustrated catalogue of healing herbs to help readers familiarize themselves with the medicines available in their own backyards. Covering 77 different plants, each with detailed, full-colour illustrations and accessible tips, facts, and recipes, this essential guide makes it easy to benefit from your neighbourhood's wild offerings. Includes a glossary of terms and a section on how to identify common poisonous plants and what to do if you encounter them.

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