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Summary of steven rinella's meat eater

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Summary of steven rinella's meat eater

Par : Slingshot Books

Editeur : Slingshot Books

Numéro de produit : 9798350067835

ISBN : 9798350067835

3,99 $

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Get the Summary of Steven Rinella's Meat Eater in 20 minutes. Please note: This is a summary & not the original book. "Meat Eater" by Steven Rinella is a reflective journey into the world of hunting, where Rinella shares his personal experiences and the cultural significance of the practice. He recounts various hunting expeditions, from a close bear encounter in Montana to a survival-driven ptarmigan hunt in Alaska. Rinella discusses the ethics of hunting, the historical tension between hunters and non-hunters, and the resistance against the decline of hunting traditions...

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