Librairies Boyer Ltée.

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Par : Søren Staun Petersen

Editeur : Touchwood Editions

Numéro de produit : 9781771514057

ISBN : 9781771514057

15,99 $

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A collection of 35 rhubarb-forward recipes that highlight the versatility of this tart, juicy, nutritious ingredient.

Say rhubarb and most of us think pie, or maybe crisp. But there are many more ways to enjoy this tart, juicy harbinger of spring. And lots of good dietary reasons to do so, since rhubarb is high in fibre, vitamin C, potassium, and calcium, and a member in good standing of the antioxidants club.

Chef, photographer, and rhubarb enthusiast Søren Staun Petersen has compiled a collection of 35 recipes that show the true versatility of those bright red stalks. With chapters dedicated to savoury dishes and sweet, compotes (and serving ideas), chutney and relish, and drinks (alcoholic and non), Petersen makes the case for cooking with rhubarb all year round.

You'll learn how to bring out the beautiful acidity and light sweetness of rhubarb in surprising new ways like

  • Pizza bianca
  • Risotto
  • Sweet and sour wok
  • Spring meringue
  • Baked brie
  • Pulled pork burgers
  • Gin & Tonic
  • Coriander smash

The book includes an introduction on the nutritional benefits of rhubarb and an essay from a dedicated rhubarb farmer. Each recipe is accompanied by the author's stunning photography, making Rhubarb the ideal gift for anyone in your life with a shortage of ideas and an abundance of rhubarb.

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