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Summary of abi morgan's this is not a pity memoir

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Summary of abi morgan's this is not a pity memoir

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Editeur : Everest Media Llc

Numéro de produit : 9798822547636

ISBN : 9798822547636

3,99 $

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Please note: This is a companion version & not the original book. Sample Book Insights: #1 I am a writer. I enjoy piecing together the narrative. I like being one step ahead of the audience with my insider knowledge. I am a fraud. I am uneducated and unbrilliant. #2 I like to know how my story is going to end. And when I don't know, there is a sort of blind panic that unsettles, unnerves, and terrifies me. I have to wait until the sound of the reverberating hum fades before I can begin to breathe again. #3 I was with Jacob when he collapsed. I couldn't decide if his lips were blue or not, so I called 999. The ambulance arrived, and when the woman on the phone asked if Jacob was breathing, I said yes. #4 I am a woman who has a successful career, has won awards, earned her own money, owns property, and has raised two children. I am a woman who intellectually, politically, and philosophically knows that marriage is not an essential badge of honor. Yet still, if asked by a random stranger or parent at some obscure PTA event, How long have you been married. I feel embarrassed. Caught out.

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