Librairies Boyer Ltée.
Magic pickle: a full color graphic novel

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Magic pickle: a full color graphic novel

Par : Scott Morse

Collection : Magic pickle

Editeur : Scholastic Inc.

Numéro de produit : 9780545356138

ISBN : 9780545356138

10,99 $

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* Prix en dollar canadien. Taxes et livraison en sus.

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Meet the Magic Pickle, a dilly of a superhero who's fighting the food fight against a brotherhood of evil fruits and vegetables who are plotting to take over the world!

The full-color graphic novel version of the Magic Pickle legend! Magic Pickle, or "Weapon Kosher," as his creator, Dr. Jekkel Formaldehyde likes to call him, is the product of a top-secret U.S. Army lab. Unfortunately, the 1950s experiments to turn vegetables into soldiers went wrong. Sure, they created Magic Pickle, the flying dill soldier, but they also let loose a bunch of rotten vegetables, like the Romaine Gladiator, Chili Chili Bang Bang, the Phantom Carrot, and Peashooter. But Magic Pickle is on the case and these villains don't have a chance!

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