Librairies Boyer Ltée.
Isaac levitan

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Isaac levitan

Par :

Editeur : Parkstone International

Numéro de produit : 9781644618790

ISBN : 9781644618790

14,99 $

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Isaac Levitan was one of the greatest landscape painters of the nineteenth century not only in Russian, but in European art as well. He created works of undying artistic merit. His art is for all time and for all people because it absorbed into itself the woes, the joys and the social realities of its age, because it converted that which men lived by into sublime works of art and translated the author's emotions into lyrical images of his native land. At the end of the nineteenth century the landscape was one of the foremost genres in Russian painting. It was this influence that shaped Levitan's art, an art fully and by right symbolic of the finest achievements of Russian landscape painting.

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