Librairies Boyer Ltée.
1000 watercolours of genius

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1000 watercolours of genius

Par :

Editeur : Parkstone International

Numéro de produit : 9781683254492

ISBN : 9781683254492

15,49 $

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The watercolour technique was for a long time the great companion to drawing. A mixture of water and pigments permitting great artistic freedom, it was often employed for preparatory sketches. Albrecht Dürer was one of the first to take advantage of all that watercolour offered. In the 18th century, English artists created of it an autonomous medium freed from academic constraints, an evolution which would have a considerable impact for following generations. Amongst the most famous artists to have produced watercolours, we find Turner, Whistler, Constable, Sargent, Van Gogh, Kandinsky, Klee, and Schiele.

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