Librairies Boyer Ltée.
The book of five rings

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The book of five rings

Par : Miyamoto Musashi

Editeur : Pomodoro Books

Numéro de produit : 9781998114337

ISBN : 9781998114337

0,99 $

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* Prix en dollar canadien. Taxes et livraison en sus.

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"Unveil the Path to Mastery and Triumph with 'The Book of Five Rings'! Miyamoto Musashi, the legendary samurai swordsman, imparts his unparalleled wisdom on strategy, combat, and the art of living in this timeless classic. Embark on a transformative journey as Musashi unveils the five elemental rings – Earth, Water, Fire, Wind, and Void – each representing a facet of life's challenges and opportunities. Through profound insights, Musashi guides you through the intricate dance of conflict and resolution, offering invaluable lessons for mastering not only the martial arts but the art of existence itself. Immerse yourself in the teachings of a true master and uncover the secrets to attaining unparalleled skill and transcendent wisdom. 'The Book of Five Rings' is your gateway to unlocking inner strength, sharpening your strategic mind, and forging an unbreakable spirit. Whether you're a warrior on the battlefield of life or a seeker of enlightenment, Musashi's timeless guidance will empower you to conquer challenges, seize victory, and achieve a profound sense of mastery in all you do."

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