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Summary of bernadette jiwa's story driven

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Summary of bernadette jiwa's story driven

Par :   Everest Media

Editeur : Everest Media Llc

Numéro de produit : 9781669372349

ISBN : 9781669372349

2,99 $

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Please note: This is a companion version & not the original book. Sample Book Insights: #1 Every business is driven by one of two philosophies: competition-driven or story-driven. The competition-driven company is reactive to the marketplace and prioritises beating its competitors and racking up profits. The people who lead competition-driven organisations seek to dominate the market and maximise shareholder value. #2 The story-driven company is responsive to customers and prioritises having a clear sense of purpose and identity. It makes little reference to the competition and is intent on creating an impact. The people who work there derive a deep sense of meaning from their work because they know their company exists to do more than simply make a profit. #3 The secret to building a great company is to not try to matter by winning. You can choose to create a career or a company that enables you to do work you're proud of, and that prospers in the service of others.

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