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Summary of ben horowitz's the hard thing about hard things

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Summary of ben horowitz's the hard thing about hard things

Par :   Everest Media

Editeur : Everest Media Llc

Numéro de produit : 9781669354734

ISBN : 9781669354734

2,99 $

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Please note: This is a companion version & not the original book. Sample Book Insights: #1 I grew up in Berkeley, California, which was known as the People's Republic of Berkeley. I was extremely shy and terrified of adults, but my mother was the most patient person in the world. #2 I was too scared to walk down the street to get the wagon, so I asked another boy if I could ride in his wagon. I had never met Joel Clark Jr. before, but we have been best friends ever since. #3 I grew up in Berkeley, a town that frowned upon football as being too militaristic. I was the only kid on the football team who was also on the highest academic track in math. I learned to separate facts from perception, and this helped me when I became an entrepreneur and CEO. #4 My blind date with Felicia Wiley was a disaster. She arrived late, wearing white shorts, and looked as pretty as can be. Her first impression was that I was a thug, and she was right. I had forgotten about the fistfight I'd been in the day before.