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Summary: unlimited riches

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Summary: unlimited riches

Par : Businessnews Publishing

Editeur : Must Read Summaries

Numéro de produit : 9782511022047

ISBN : 9782511022047

5,99 $

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The must-read summary of Robert Shemin's book: "Unlimited Riches: Making Your Fortune in Real Estate Investing".

This complete summary of the ideas from Robert Shemin's book "Unlimited Riches" shows that real estate is the best wealth-building mechanism available. As well as being the safest form of investment, it is also the most accessible and most lucrative form of investment you can make. For these reasons, every person should include a real estate investment component in their personal financial planning. In his book, the author explains that the only way to invest successfully is "buy-hold-rent". This summary demonstrates this strategy in detail and how you can use it to guarantee investment success.

Added-value of this summary:
• Save time
• Understand key concepts
• Expand your investment knowledge

To learn more, read "Unlimited Riches" and discover how you can make your fortune by investing in real estate.

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