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All is nat lost: a graphic novel (nat enough #5)

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Collection : Nat enough

Editeur : Scholastic Inc.

Numéro de produit : 9781338890594

ISBN : 9781338890594

13,99 $

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The fifth book in the New York Times bestselling series that began with Nat Enough!

Nat's class trip is a bigger adventure than she imagined!

Nat is on an overnight class trip to Philadelphia, which is her first time in a big city without her parents. And it's a big deal because Nat's mom and dad are finally giving her the independence she's been longing for. But the trip is off to a bad start -- with one disaster after another -- and if things keep up, Nat's on track to lose her newfound freedom for good!

Can she turn things around in time, or will her first chance with liberty be her last?

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